6 Months Before
Encourage your clients to keep their nails in mind when they begin their bridal health regiments. It often takes at least three months for supplements to take effect, so the earlier they start the better.
3 Months Before
The key to stare-worthy nails, regardless of if you’re wearing enhancements or going au naturel, is moisturized and healthy skin and nails. Therefore, it’s important to start your client’s nail and skin care early to give time for the improvements to be visible. Remember, it takes three to six months for nails to grow out completely, so when you’re looking for an improvement in natural nail health, you need to leave ample time to see the effects. Schedule regular manicures that include gentle hand exfoliation and masks for skin and use healing nail products like Gelish VitaGel Recovery or Morgan Taylor DailyElixir Keratin Natural Nail Treatment to help improve breaks, splits, and dryness.
1 Week to 2 Days Before
The last nail appointment should be a few days before the wedding — up to a week for enhancements and a day or two before for natural nails. Use this appointment to care for the skin as well as to make sure it is fully moisturized and glowing. Many nail pros like to gift their bridal clients with an emergency nail kit, including a small bottle of cuticle oil, a nail file and top coat. And make sure to educate your client about the best ways for her to care for her nails from her wedding day through the honeymoon.
Bridal Inspo
Need some nail inspiration for bridal nails? Use these looks to get the creative juices flowing!
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